Science Assist International is a fast-growing scientific publisher that publishes a series of peer-reviewed, open access scientific journals articles covering all scientific, technical, and medical fields. We serve the academic communities around the world and contribute to the advancement and application of science, technology, and medicine. We currently cover a wide range of academic disciplines to promote collaboration among scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners, allowing them to work more efficiently and intelligently, advancing knowledge and learning...
Our Journals
Why Publish with Science Assist International

Peer Review
All manuscripts accepted for publication in Science Assist International journals are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts and evaluated in terms of originality, significance, novelty, integrity, quality of presentation, and scientific soundness, etc.
Rapid and Quality Publication
Accepted manuscripts are processed by a professional production team for language editing, copy editing, typesetting, etc., to ensure the precise and exquisite presentation of our publications.

Published articles are promoted around the world by editors via various channels, including databases, social media, hard copies of journals, etc. Global outreach program will help in increasing the impact and visibility of your work.